GEORGE I (1660-1727). King of Great Britain and Ireland. Elector of Hanover. Document Signed, ('George R' at the head), 1 page folio (oblong) on vellum with revenue stamps but lacking paper seal, St James's, 11 January 1714/5. A clean and attactive document (apart from the loss of the paper seal and slight trimming), countersigned by Charles, second Viscount Townshend (1674-1738, secretary of state for the northern department). Raising David Eyton to the rank of lieutenant 'of that Company whereof William Barrell Esqr. is Captain in our First Regiment of Foot Guards, Commanded by Our Right Trusty and right Entirely beloved Cousin and Councellor John Duke of Marlborough. ...' [No: 24131] The image links to a larger or more detailed version.
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