CHARLES I (1600-1649). King of England, Scotland and Ireland. Letter Signed to William Howard, 1 page folio with address-leaf (a little foxed and worn), Given at Oatlands, 31 July 1638. Commending Howard for his loyalty. '... Wee understand by Our Cosen, the Earle Marshall, how carefull you have beene to pursue such directions as you have of late received from him for Our service: For which We give you thanks, and because the affaires may require the continuance of your diligence and good endeavo[u]rs. Though Wee doubt not thereof Yet Wee thinck fitt in this speciall man'er to recommend unto you the carefull pursuance of such further directions, As you shall from time to time receive from Us or Our said Cosen. Which Wee shall graciously accept ...'Lord William Howard (1563-1640) was know in his lifetime as 'Bauld Willie', but was later immortalised by Sir Walter Scott in The Lay of the Last Minstrel as the mythical 'Belted Will'. He formed an important collection of books and manuscripts, and was friend of Cotton, Camden and Spelman. Oatlands had been developed by Henry VIII into a sumptuous palace intended for the reception of his new wife, Anne of Cleves, although she never lived there. It was home to Elizabeth I, James I and Charles I before being demolished by the parliamentarians in 1650. [No: 20459] The image excludes the lower (blank) half. |